Friday, December 11, 2009

Evils of sugar

I watched an extraordinarily informative lecture on the evils of sugar (sucrose and fructose) by Dr Lustig, a renowned pediatric endocrinologist at UCSF. Basically Dr. Lustig traces the metabolic pathways of the sugars fructose and sucrose, and shows how it differs from the metabolic pathway of glucose - which we find in grains and tubers. Furthermore, he shows how fructose and glucose contribute to heart disease,diabetes, obesity - the host of diseases related to metabolic syndrome. Here is the link:

His arguments well presented, insightful and were very persuasive, even though by the end of it I wanted to hit him every time he said " 'k."

So, as glucose does not lead to fat production and the other "diseases of affluence", I celebrated this new knowledge by baking a loaf of 11grain bread and cutting out sugar from my coffee. Still, bread has a lot of calories per nutrient, so it is something to go easy on. I am not sure what I will do with the new understanding of sugars. I don't tend towards absolutes, so I will not be cutting it out completely from my diet. Instead I will probably try to find a reasonable number and try to limit it to that. Right now (having cut it out of my coffee), my major consumption is limited to doughnuts, jam, and a few occasional treats. Unfortunately, the CRONometer does not measure sugars separately.

Anyway, below is the record of my food for the day. I was a little "snacky" today, so I finished up the bread, but added the amount into the bread that I used for the tuna sandwich.

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